IQ Option Login - Common Problems Solved

Paul Titus
Barry Edwards
Last Updated on October 21, 2024

Did you know you can log in to your IQ option using your Gmail or even Facebook Account? And you don't always have to be on your laptop. You can do it via your phone as well. 

And in this article, I am going to cover step-by-step instructions with screenshots, so any first-time user can log in in seconds.

Not just that, you'll find solutions to common login problems and the reasons behind them. 

Click here for the latest official IQ Option login page!

How to Login to IQ Option Via Desktop?

Login to IQ Option Via Desktop

Login Using Password

  • On the IQ Option Login Page, you'll find a form asking for your email/phone number and password that you set while creating our account.
  • Enter the details and hit the Login button. You will now land on the user page where you can start trading, contact support, change personal info, and so on.

Login Using Facebook

  • On the IQ Option Login Page, click on the Sign in With Facebook button.
  • If you are already logged into your Facebook, you will land on the user page as shown above. If not, you will be redirected to the Facebook login page.
  • Enter your details, hit login, and within seconds you will have access to your profile page.
  • Don't have an IQ account yet? No problem. Here's how to register to start trading.

Login Using Gmail

The IQ option login page also allows you to use your Gmail to log in and is one of the easiest and quickest ways.

  • Click on the Sign in With Google button.
  • Select the Gmail account you want to log in with. If you aren't logged into your Gmail, enter the details, and in seconds you'll be at the user page.

How to Login to IQ Option Using Mobile App?

Login to IQ Option Via mobile app

If you haven't already, head over to the PlayStore and download the IQ Option App. If you use an iPhone, you will find it in the Apple Store.

The app is 27MB and will take about 2-3 minutes to download and install.

Login Using Password

  • Once you open the app, you will have the option to either register or log in. Click on Login.
  • Enter your Email and Password, and there, in seconds, you'd be on the trading page. On the Left-hand side (top corner) is the menu to edit your profile, contact customer support, etc.

Login Using Gmail

  • Click on the Google button on the login page.
  • If you are already signed in to your Gmail on your mobile, you'll be on the trading page. It is one of the fastest and easiest methods to log in. 

Login Using Facebook

  • Next to the Google button, there's a Facebook button. This allows you to use your Facebook to log in.
  • Click on it. A new window opens up, asking you to grant access to IQ Option. You can choose to edit access, continue as the profile shows, or cancel.

How to Register on IQ Option?

How to Register on IQ Option?
  • On the homepage, click on the Sign Up option that you see on the top right-hand corner of the page. You can also click on the Trade Now or Free Practice Account options for the same.
  • You now have the option of registering either via the form provided or Facebook or Gmail. 

Let's start with the Registration Form

The Form requires you to enter details like your Name, Phone Number, Password, etc. Pick a strong password, and there's a strength indicator to guide you (trust me, 123pass isn't what you want here).

  • Check the T&C checkbox and hit the green-colored Open An Account For Free button.
  • Voila, you will now be redirected to the Traderoom. You can choose to go with a real account and make real money if you are a pro. 

But if you aren't and would like a trial run, there's also a practice account (a feature I love).

Oh, and Don't forget to visit the email you entered and verify your account to activate it.

Note: You can also enter your mobile number if you don't want to use email.

Register Via Facebook

Register with facebook account

To Register using Facebook, click on the Facebook button that you see below the form.

  • Upon clicking it, you will be redirected to Facebook for approval. You can edit the access given to IQ Option and click the Allow button.
  • You will then be redirected back to IQ Option, where you need to enter your country and accept the T&C.

You will now be redirected to the IQ Option TradeRoom. 

Registering on IQ Option Via Gmail

Register with gmail

To Register via Gmail: 

  • Click on the Gmail button you see right next to the Facebook button. Once you click on it, you'll get this notification. Click on Confirm.
  • You are then redirected to Gmail Sign Page, where you can pick the Gmail account you want to log in with.
  • Once again, select the country and hit the Complete Registration button.
  • You can now begin real trading by clicking on the Top Up Your Account button or practicing your skills and checking out the Practice Account features.

Why Can't I Login To My IQ Option Account?

Login error in IQ Option

Having trouble logging in? No problem, we have you covered. Here are some of the common issues users face and their stepwise solutions.

#1. Incorrect details 

Haven't logged into your IQ Option account for a while and now can't seem to get access? There's a good chance you have been entering the wrong details. 

If you are sure about your email, the ideal thing to do would be to reset the password. 

Here's how to recover your IQ Option Password.

  • To recover your password click on the Forgot Password option in orange.
  • Enter the email/phone number you used to register and hit Submit on the Password Recovery page.
  • Once submitted, you should see this window.
  • Now login to your email. You will have an email for IQ Option with the subject line, Reset Your Password.
  • Click on the Reset Password button in the email.
  • Enter the new password in the window that opens up and click Confirm
  • After that, hit the Back to Log in Button and log in using the new password.

Note: If you registered using your Facebook account, enter the email you had on your Facebook to recover the password. 

#2. Login limit exceeded

Getting a login limit exceeded error? You have entered the wrong password too many times. Wait for some time before you try to log in again.

If you still aren't sure about the password, click on the Forgot Password button and follow the steps mentioned above.

#3. Two-step verification 

Want to double down on your account security? 2-step verification is the way to go. Here you not only need to remember your password, but will also get an OTP on your mobile number.

That means you can sleep. Rest assured your money and trades are a secret, even if your account were hacked. Here's how to set it up.

  • Once you are logged into your IQ option account, go to the settings page.
  • On the settings page, click on the Safety and Security option.
  • Click on the Confirm Phone Number option that you see below the 2-Step Authentication heading.
  • A new window will open up asking for your phone number. Enter it with the correct country code (+27 for South Africa) and click Get a Code.
  • You will receive a code on your number. Make sure the phone network is active, and you are receiving messages.
  • Enter the code into the box and click Confirm and then Continue.
  • It will ask you to enter personal data next. Enter/change the information you want to and click the Save & Continue option.

If you do not want to be bothered with messages, or find the 2-step authentication processor cumbersome at any point, you can disable it using the slider under the 2-Step Authentication heading.

#4. Account blocked

Was your IQ Option account just blocked? 

While accounts are rarely blocked, things like using someone else's payment details, refusing to provide necessary documents, having multiple accounts, etc., can get you a ban.

You should receive an email regarding the status of your account (don't forget to check the spam folder). But in case you didn't get in touch with the 24*7 customer care via

If there's been a mistake, or once your documents have been verified, the ban can be uplifted. You can resume trading and withdrawals as usual after that. 

For further info, why your account got banned, or what steps you can take - check out the IQ Option Blocked Accounts page.

How to change login details?

To Change Email

Once you have logged into your account:

  • Click on the Personal Data option on the menu located on the right-hand side of your desktop/laptop window.
  • Scroll down, and you will have the change email option.
  • Click on it, enter the new email and verify it to complete the process.

To Change Password

  • Click on the Personal Data option.
  • On the new window, you'll see the Safety and Security option, where there is the Change Password option.
  • Click on it, enter the old and new passwords and click save. You also have the option to reset your password. For this, click on the Forgot Password option.

To Add Social Media or Gmail

The same window mentioned above has a Social Networks option as well. You can connect your Gmail and Facebook and use those to log in as well.

  • Click on Link, authenticate the profiles, and you are good to go.

How to Log Out of IQ Option?

How to Log Out of IQ Option

Done with your trades for the day and want to log out? Easy peasy.

  • Click on the profile image icon that you see in the top menu bar.
  • A window will slide into your screen. Below it has the Log Out option.


Registration at IQ Option takes less than 1 minute, especially when you use your Gmail or Facebook account, and logging back in is even easier.

This ensures you never miss an important trade.

And IQ Option isn't made just for the pros. But it is also for the newbies (yes, even those who have never traded a rupee before).


Well, it is one of the few platforms to give you a practice account where you get $10,000. Though you cannot withdraw this money, it allows you to test your knowledge and get accustomed to the platform. Without losing real money, you can learn to trade. That's isn't so risky after all.

So what are you waiting for? Start trading with a free $10,000 demo account right away.